Greyhaven PPTQ

Standard | Time: Sunday June 10th 2018 11am-5pm
Head Judge: Tobias Vyseri
Players: 28
Winner: Logan Mahaffey

Musical Tables
I always like going to Greyhaven, the owner is super nice and the players seem super happy there. The only problem is the store is kinda small. When I went there this time though, he had moved some display cases around to make more tables, so that only one set of players (the last table) had to play on the counter. As opposed to before when about 5 matches were held on store display counters.

At the beginning I was told I'd have a player that was going to be significantly late. Because we were doing standard (and not limited), I went with the 0 & 10 rule for GL & ML.

As people were filtering in we had three waitlisters. Two of which showed up hoping to get a spot. Player cap was 26, I noted that one of our preregistered people hadn't shown up, so we had 25, if we put two more people in, we'd have 27 which was fine, because our problem was lack of tables, but a bye doesn't take up a table.
I happily put the players in and posted first round pairings, then a player came up to me and let me know he wasn't on the pairings, but his friend had paid him in, the TO agreed that this was true and that the information had simply failed to make it to me. Unfortunately this was our late add, and our 28th player. The player who currently had a bye, was still hanging around and asked if he would be paired with the extra person. (Ireally like it when the regulars take care of half my job for me) I nodded slowly, while looking around frantically for a place to put them, luckily it was TO to the rescue, he got a small table out of some closet that I didn't know existed, outfitted it from chairs and sat them down. It was a little awkward until a few people dropped since it made manouvering the store more difficult, but overall we didn't send anyone away and I think that is a good thing. Especially since Greyhaven is a more remote store and it takes a significant amount of time to get out there for most players.

Blooming Defense
Because of the casual atmosphere I took in decklists as people were signing up, because it looked like the TO was going to do it anyways, and because with only 28 decklists it's not hard to figure out if you're missing one. So I took them as people handed them in, and during round 1 I went around to grab any that were still straggling. I got them organized during round 1, and decided against a mid-round since there were about 30 minutes left on the clock and I felt at that point adding 10 minutes to a match was not optimal. I got the TO to help me out with a few of the deck checks. I had one guy with 1 Blossoming Defense and then another 4 later on, when they were supposed to be Blooming Marshes. It didn't feel like a great penalty, since it was hard for even me and the TO to detect the issue, but I think ambiguity in amount of Blossoming Defense main-board could maybe generate advantage, so GL it was.

I Handed it to You
Then a few rounds later we grabbed two decks and I realized that I was short a decklist, I asked the player if he had handed his in. He enthusiastically told me yes. I looked at him, and asked again, he checked his bag and handed me a decklist. I was glad we didn't have to go hunting around for too long for the list because it was a very infraction-heavy tournament. And I kept getting interrupted. I think by the end of it I had about 10-15 infractions, it was weird. I guess because standard is still pretty new and there's a lot of strange new cards floating around.

It's My First Day
I had a few newbies in top 8 that didn't seem to totally know what was going on, I remember getting everything set up and leaving to sort packs into prizing, then wandering back and having two players ask me “can we start?” I'm very used to top 8 just kind of autonomously taking care of themselves for the most part, so I've gotten a little rusty on my top 8 speech since no one really listens anymore Q.Q

My finals was two inexperienced players who didn't seem to know how or if it was legal to shuffle prizes around. They were also friends, so one guy before any negotiating was just like “yeah, you can go to the PTQ” Which was the weirdest thing in the history of magic. I think the bystanders were also confused.

...In Conclusion
It was a relatively chill event. One of those that runs almost too smoothly, so that you're worried you might have missed something. I had a good time and will hopefully visiting Greyhaven again this next PPTQ season :)